Nav Bhatia Net Worth 2024: How Much Money Does this Canadian Businessman Have?

An American businessman with a lot of fame, Nav Bhatia was born on July 9, 1951, in New Delhi, Delhi, India. You can find out about Nav Bhatia’s age, wife, net worth, weight, height, job, family, pictures, background, and more. Indian-born Nav Bhatia moved to Canada with his family in 1984. He is a Sikh.

At that time, there were violent riots against Sikhs in his home country. He was able to get a visa to leave the country and go to Canada to protect his family. He brought some cash, a degree in mechanical engineering, and the cap that all Sikh men wear – which is very distinctive.

Because of the cap, it was almost impossible for him to get a job. He told the press, “At that time, nobody wanted a guy with a turban and a beard.”


Nav Bhatia’s Net Worth in 2024

Celebrity Net Worth says that Nav Bhatia is an Indian-born Canadian businessman with a $100 million net worth. Nav Bhatia is known as “the Toronto Raptors Super Fan” because he goes to so many NBA games for the Toronto Raptors. In Canada, Bhatia runs one of the best-selling Hyundai dealerships in the country.

He is also a huge tennis and basketball fan. Nav Bhatia has been called “the Toronto Raptors Super Fan” because he goes to so many NBA games for the Toronto Raptors. The Superfan Foundation, which he started to bring the people of Canada and the rest of the world together, is right now under his control.

Nav Bhatia Annual Income

Even Nav Bhatia set up the Nav Bhatia Superfan Foundation. a group whose mission is to build basketball courts and camps for kids in Canada and around the world by raising money for good causes. Every year, he uses $300,000 of his own money to take kids from immigrant homes to go to Toronto Raptors games.


Sponsorships for Nav Bhatia

As a campaign spokesperson for World Vision’s Rise Up! Daughters of India, he joined the group in 2016. He’s interested in this issue now that he’s seen for himself how women are treated badly in India. Tia, one of his children, was taken in from an orphanage and raised by him.

But Nav hopes that one day both daughters and boys will be treated the same in India. His work as an advocate has been hired by both Tim Hortons and Tourism Toronto.

Home and Land of Nav Bhatia

The Wi-Fi password for his family is “Raptors.” The professional basketball team in Canada is an important part of his whole life. In addition to his name, the Raptors logo is on his custom license plate.

He doesn’t have a lot of Raptors souvenirs in his house, which has an elevator, an indoor pool, and a theater room. But there is an empty glass case. The Larry O’Brien Award will also be shown in the empty case.

Car Collection of Nav Bhatia

Bhatia owns and runs Mississauga Hyundai and Rexdale Hyundai, two car dealerships in the Greater Toronto Area. As well, he started his job in 1984 by selling cars in Canada at the Rexdale dealership. He worked his way up through the company’s sales team in Canada. After selling almost 150 cars in four months, he was moved to general manager.


Nav Bhatia Donations and Charities

Bhatia is planning a charity basketball game with DeMar DeRozan. He is also building three basketball courts in Malton and working with World Vision to raise money for Indian girls in school. He is also working on building 60 bathrooms in 20 schools as one of his recent projects.

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Career in Automotive

Nav had more than 300 interviews before he finally got a job as a care salesman at a rough neighborhood Hyundai store. Nav sold 127 cars in his first three months on the job, even though he had never sold a car before and was way overqualified. That is still a Hyundai best.

He quickly moved up at Hyundai and was very good at fixing stores that were having trouble. After a few years, he was hired to be the sales manager at a different store across town. Even though the store was close to going bankrupt, all but one of the salespeople who had worked there before Nav was hired quit in protest.

They wouldn’t work for someone they thought was unqualified and a gimmick because of his annoying radio ads. A whole new group of salespeople was hired by Nav, who slowly changed the dealership’s luck around. It became one of the most popular dealerships in all of Canada in just a few years.

The best part is that Nav Bhatia made enough money in the end to buy the business. In the end, he also bought the store that hired him in the first place. Now, Nav Bhatia runs one of the most popular car dealerships in North America. Every year since 2013, his stores have had the most sales in all of Canada.


Toronto Raptors Super Fan

As the Toronto Raptors Super Fan, Nav Bhatia has become well-known. He has had a season ticket since the team began playing in 1995. From his court-side spots, he became a famous face on TV. Nav didn’t miss a single home game from 1995 to 2021, which is pretty amazing.

To be exact, he wasn’t able to go to some of the 2020 NBA games that took place in Orlando, Florida, because of the first COVID lockdown. After being exposed to COVID-19, Nav finally missed his first game on December 10, 2021. He had to stay home because he was sick.

Kal Penn, who plays Nav in a movie based on his own life, went to the game and sat down. He spends $300,000 a year on his tickets and millions more to give tickets to Raptors games to kids who don’t have enough money. He enjoys making Sikh kids feel special by buying them tickets.

If you ever watch a basketball game in Toronto, look for a man in a cap sitting next to the court. After that, you’ll know you’ve found Nav Bhatia. In 2018, when the Raptors won the NBA title, Nav got one of the team rings. He is the only NBA fan who has ever received a real title ring. Nav was also picked by the team to be their grand marshal for the winning parade.

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