Michelle Malkin Net Worth 2024: How Rich is this American Blogger?

Michelle Malkin is a controversial American blogger and a political commentator who is known for her extremely conservative opinions and harsh nationalism. She works for Fox News and often guest appears on many national TV and radio programs.

Michelle Malkin Early years

She was born on October 29, 1970 in a town named Philadelphia in Pennsylvania in United States. Her mother is named Raphaela Perez and she is from Philippines and she worked as a teacher in the States, and her father is named Apollo de Castro Maglalang and he is a physician.

Her mother was pregnant with Michelle when they immigrated to United States and after that they moved to a town called Absecon in New Jersey. She also has a younger brother and she guarded him nd watched over him until he was in his late teenage years.

Michelle was brought up as a Roman Catholic and she often emphasizes that fact. She went to the Holy Spirit Roman Catholic High School where she was the editor of the school’s newspaper.


She was a very good pianist then and she wanted to make a career out of it. She graduated in 1988 after which she has enrolled Oberlin College. She want it to gain the degree in music but at the end she majored in English.

Through all of her College years she worked at several workplaces such as dress inserter librarian or an aide 4 Tax preparation. She wrote articles for the newspapers and her first article criticize the college Action Program and this article was received very negatively from other students. She graduated from Oberlin College in 1992.

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Michelle Malkin Career development

From 1992 to 1994 she was a journalist at Los Angeles Daily News and she had her own column. A year after she started working in Washington DC for Enterprise Institute and in 1996 she decided to relocate to Seattle where she was hired by The Seattle Times.

Michelle also became a Fox News commentator and a host of a news magazine called “The O’Reilly Factor”. Her book was named “Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals and Other Foreign Menaces” and it was published in 2002.

Two years after, she wrote a book called “In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror”.

She used this book to defend and justify America’s internment of hundred of thousands Japanese Americans during the 2nd World War and stating that it should be used again but today on Muslim Americans.

It was in 2004 that Michelle launched her political blog on the website named Michelle Malkin.com and she became known as the most read conservative blogger in the whole US nation.

Michelle is a contributor to VDARE which is a website which critisizes the immigration policy of the United States after 1965. She supports detentions and deportation n of immigrants no matter how important their status is (all in the name of national security).


Her third book was released in 2005, and it was titled: “Unhinged: exposing liberals Gone Wild”. She was involved in a lot of controversy when she stated that the memorial for Flight 93 in 2005 was just a memorial to the terrorists.

Another controversy which made people make a lot of funny memes about her, was when she said that the girl in a commercial for Dunkin Donuts who wore a black and white scarf was a supporter of Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Her favorite statement is :”Lock’ em up or Kick’ em out”. She is sure that there is such thing as Obama corn and she accuses them for massive criminal acts such as voter frauds, banking conspiraces and pro-terrorist politics.


In 2006 she started and open campaign against students who were members of an organization called “Students Against War” and she even released their personal contact information to the public although she knew this will led to them receiving threatening calls and emails.

After doing this she surprised everyone by taking this information down from her blog after they told her what’s happening. In 2007 she started forcing her blogging and speaking in public because she has learned that this two things have a great impact on a wider audience.

Nevertheless she stayed as a guest host for Fox News and she appeared on TV screens at least once a week. She founded a website named Hot Air and she launched an internet broadcast network under the name Twitchy.com. She turned to writing and wrote six books.


Her first book became a New York Times bestseller and it showed off her conservative opinions about immigrants which was odd because her parents immigrated to America from Philippines.

In 2009 she released a book which was again a bestseller for 2 months and was named “Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies.” She stated that the Obama’s administration is the most corrupted administration in the recent history.

After a while she published the second chapter of this book, and it was called “Bitter half: First Crony Michelle Obama”. In 2015 she released a book named “Who Built that: Awe-Inspiring stories of American Tinkerpreneurs”.

Michelle Malkin Net Worth in 2024

The first job Michelle had was writing a piece for the Los Angeles Daily News in 1992.  After that, she worked as a reporter at the Competitive Enterprise Institute from 1995 to 1997.

In 1999, she signed with Creators Syndicate to write a syndicated piece. In 2006, she started the conservative Internet television network Hot Air site and became its founder and CEO.

She also writes a blog called MichelleMalkin.com, which she started in 2004, where she talks about politics. In the end, the National Republican Senatorial Committee named Michelle one of the five “best-read national conservative bloggers in 2007.”


The 2002 book “Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces” was also written by her and was a big hit with the New York Times.

She later wrote a fourth book called Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies. It was the New York Times non-fiction hardcover bestseller. According to Bio Wikis, Michelle’s net worth is thought to be around $2 million as of 2020.

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